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Congratulations! You just moved into your brand-new construction home. We know you’re excited, but don’t overlook how important the first 90 days of settling in are! From handling logistics to turning the four walls into your sanctuary, our guide helps you every step of the way. 

Before You Move In 

2-3 weeks before you move in, contact Canada Post to apply for your mailbox key. Direct all new mail to the new address. Contact utility and service providers, including internet, insurance, hydro, gas, and water, to inform your moving date and pay any deposits needed. Lastly, start processes for changing address of driver’s licence, work ID, car insurance, and bank, and regularly used shopping platforms. 

Complete a Thorough Inspection

Before unpacking too much, walk through your home and inspect everything carefully. Turn on all lights, faucets, and check all plug points. Look for any construction defects, unfinished work, or damages. Pay special attention to windows, doors, plumbing fixtures, to see if they function properly. If you notice issues, document them immediately with photos and written descriptions and report them to the builder. Defects in these are covered for the first 30 days and up to one year by Tarion Warranty, which you’ve paid as part of the purchase price. You don’t need to fix any out of pocket. 

a person operating a smart home system

Learn Home Systems

Your new home likely includes modern systems such as HVAC, water heaters, and smart home devices. Your builder will provide all the manuals. During your final walkthrough, the builder would have shown you shut-off points for water, gas, and electricity. Make sure you still know how to operate them. 

💡 Pro Tip: Test your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. We recommend you put in brand new batteries and make a habit to test them every 2 months. 

Sign Up on Tarion ‘MyHome’ website 

After you’re settled in and a few weeks have passed by, sign up on Tarion to complete the 30-Day Warranty Form. If you choose to make any claims, once they are complete, you may be asked to fill in an online Customer Satisfaction Survey. 

Get to Know Your Neighborhood

Put on comfy clothes and walk about your new neighbourhood. Find your nearest grocery stores, pharmacies, pet-friendly parks, and schools. If your neighbours have moved in as well, take some cookies or flowers to introduce yourself. 

Start Small on Landscaping

If you’re moving in springtime, don’t be tempted to go big on landscaping. You can draw up plans, but break them down into small goals. We recommend starting with grass seed or sod and planting hardy shrubs to create a foundation for future gardening.

Organize Your Documents

Store all your home-related documents in an easily accessible place, including warranties, contracts, and manuals. Make digital copies, store them locally on your computer, and then on your Google Drive.  

If you need to order any furniture or appliances (not included in your new construction home already), order 3-4 months in advance. Oftentimes, couches and freezers take the longest to arrive. 

If you purchased a home with Barr Homes and have any questions about our moving in process, please reach out to us today.

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